I’d like to share a project of mine that has less to do with audio than most others I might mention here. I recently started a not-for-profit organization called The Lamp Project.
Our stated mission is to spotlight and support socially engaged artists and the causes they champion.
From the consumer point of view, many people who spend their money on food, cleaning supplies, clothing, construction materials, and lots of other things are already used to considering the good of society as a part of their decision making. Some folks shop at certain stores, or buy only certain products, because they are safer for the environment, less harmful to animals, or less likely to depend on child labor.
Why can’t it be this way for art? Why not find amazing artists of all kinds who share a common passion for improving the world around them, and gather them together in one place? Why not help consumers of the arts start thinking about how their support of a certain artist might actually help a good cause? The Lamp Project is here to engender that state of mind and promote excellent artists who are devoted to addressing the important social issues of our time.
I hope you’ll go take a look. You can see the first in our series of four videos, which we produced with an all-volunteer cast and crew to introduce our organization and our mission to the world.
Want to be involved with this dedicated, motivated, passionate group of people? Drop me a line at my Lamp Project email: jeremy.olsen@thelampproject.net. We can always use the help—from production assistants and administrative assistants to producers, curators, writers, artists, WordPress programmers, and advisers, there is room for you on our team.
On a more personal note, this experience has been very challenging and very, very rewarding. The video alone has taken a lot of time, energy, effort and focus. I got to wear multiple hats like voice director and ADR mixer, including some new ones such as writer and executive producer. I always love trying new things and found this venture successful and invigorating. And I think this amazing cast and crew, every one of them a volunteer, created something really remarkable.
Thanks for for all the support from everyone!