The #7daysofVGM Composition Challenge is a semi-regular week-long event coordinated by the Video Game Music Academy. It’s basically a compositional sprint—or rather, seven of them in a row. There is an overall theme—this month’s was “time travel”—and a specific theme for each day—like Tuesday’s, “classical antiquity.”

It’s open to the public, and composers participate simply by writing something and sharing it. It doesn’t have to be finished or long or even a complete thought, it just has too… be. This, of course, recognizes the immense value for an artist in learning to simply create, whether that elusive lightning bolt of inspiration strikes or not. And participating publicly adds the right kind of pressure while also providing an arena for support and for feedback (if desired).

This month’s #7daysofVGM was my first and I’m sure it won’t be my last. It was awesome. The results are below. I plan on cleaning at least some of them up to become demo material (and just for the satisfaction of finishing), but I’ll probably leave this playlist available in the spirit of sharing the raw results of quick bursts of creative effort.